Reasons why people start Anime Blogs
I've seen many reasons why people start Anime Blogs. Some love it because they have a passion for writing and analyzing, they love to share their ideas and thoughts. Others start it to reach certain goals (perhaps they want to watch and review a certain amount of Anime.) But I believe all serious Anime Bloggers have one thing in common: We love Anime and we want to share our thoughts and ideas.
I started this blog because I really love a lot of Adventure/Fantasy Anime, and although I had two websites: ancientchinese and digimonspirit, I really didn't have a place where I can share ALL my thoughts about all my interest. These sites are limited to one specific type of show, and I was sick of leaving shows I loved out! I wouldn't call this a completely 100% Anime Blog, since I do include articles about Wuxia, Games and Music, which I also love. The main theme of this is "Adventure" because that's where my greatest area of interest is.
What are our Goals to Anime Blogging?
(Thepantlessanimeblogger's Goal - Write 1000 Anime Reviews)
Do we have a set goal for our website? As I mentioned, The Pantless Anime Blogger's goal is to write 1000 reviews. I think that's an excellent goal, because I believe achievable goals can really motivate us. Other goals I've seen are, "I would like a set amount of hits/views and comments".
My goal for this website is to share all of my favorite shows and help people discover new things they may not have known. To elaborate, I like to connect interesting similarities between different types of show (for example: Wuxia and Anime) and point out things they have in common. I want people who love Wuxia to check out the Anime I love, and for Anime fans to check out the Wuxia I love. My goal is to help people find more shows they can enjoy. Another goal I have is to make this place resourceful for others and myself. I like to remember and reflect, and want this to be my ultimate reflection room for when I want to go back and read things I enjoyed.
I think the important thing about setting goals is not to make them hard to achieve. The goals must be realistic and something to be worked towards.
Will competition help us or ruin us?
Competition - That evil thing where we're either a winner or loser. I hate that! If everyone thought that, then I believe competition will ruin us. It will create barriers between bloggers, make one hate another or view them as threats. This reminds me of the whole "Show 1 vs Show 2" fiasco where one has to be better than another. It just turns around and brings hate. WTF is the point?
(Legend of the Condor Heroes 2008)
Competition done the right way is when people see another website as motivation to help them improve. Perhaps seeing the frequency and content of another site makes you want to work harder on your own. It's friendly, it does not make one person feel stupid and inadequate. It does not mean you go around saying yours is better or you get pissed off if your site had 500 and they had 501. It's wanting to improve yourself because they are a great example. It's being able to treat them as friends, not threats. You're not freakingYang Kang stabbing a dagger into Guo Jing because he's jealous that Guo Jing is more powerful (or Sasuke at Naruto for the same reason). It's the friendly "puppy fight" between Chai Hu and Li Gexiao, or Kuwabara and Yusuke.
My point is, good competition is done with love, you're aiming to be improve yourself, and not being the best. I guess the biggest question is: Are you viewing your competitor as a friend or foe? If you're viewing them as a friend, it's good competition.
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