Saturday, December 15, 2012

Spoilers - How important are they to you?

When watching Anime or any show with heavy storylines, there's often one thing we think about - spoilers! I've met plenty of people with different thoughts on spoilers. Here are some in particular I've noticed about how people are with spoilers:

1) Love spoilers to a certain extent
2) Detest spoilers and finds that any spoiler will ruin the series
3) Don't really mind them
4) ME: WATCH THE WHOLE DARN ENDING BEFORE I WATCH THE BEGINNING, GET TOTALLY LOST AND... -- To the general public, try avoiding this, cos it does take away the excitement of watching the show!

Love spoilers to a certain extent

Those type of people usually enjoy a certain amount of spoilers, they will look up information sometimes and don't mind when someone spoils them. Perhaps, they would even read a spoiler website or detailed summary or skip a little ahead. Usually, these people are happy to know about what happened in the ending. To these people, spoiler actually gives them something to look forward to. Usually, people who enjoy spoilers are also those who are impatient to wait and find out for what happens in the story. That insanity of not knowing drives them to their early grave. So, in order to satisfy them, they must know some spoilers!

Detest spoilers and finds that any spoiler will ruin the series

Those people hate spoilers! Detest it with everything they've got. They will avoid reading anything that might potentially contain spoilers, because spoilers ruin the excitement of the story for them. To these people, spoilers truly mean spoilers - it will literally spoil the show. The whole point of watching a show or anything similar (book, movie, game) is to find out the information yourself. Those people will immediately tell you to stop if you start talking about spoilers. To these people, I feel that they watch the series and enjoy that mystery of not knowing and finding out at the appropriate times. These people usually are much more patient.

Don't really mind them

Some are in between, they don't like to be spoiled too much but don't mind knowing a tiny bit - no major spoilers though! For these people, they usually like to know who died in the series, but they don't want to know if something really unexpected or exciting happens.

The Conclusion

I believe spoilers are good or bad surprises in the series that we don't see coming. When we don't like being spoiled, it usually means that we'll get a much greater reaction if we don't know what will happen because sometimes, a good surprise makes us become overjoyed, excited and jumpy!

For people like me who has to watch the end before I even the series, well, that's just me and I'm a madwoman so people shouldn't take me seriously and don't try and do that cos it does get rid of a lot of excitement knowing what will happen. HECK, I'VE EVEN WATCHED A SHOW BACKWARDS because I wanted to know what happened. It truly is a unique experience. Also, I always like to know who will die in a show because dying is a bad surprise and I like to be prepared. Despite my madness with spoilers, believe it or not - there are times when I don't like to be spoiled!

However, I think it's rather cool and interesting how all of us have different feelings towards spoilers, some like it and others don't! I still think the good old spoiler tags are important.

Image Source: animeyourway

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