Friday, November 30, 2012

Manga: Fruits Basket - Chapter 1

I started reading Fruits Basket about six months ago but since I've stopped for a while and now that evil memory of mine has made me forget what happened in the series, I decided to read it again.

I really love the feeling I'm getting from this Manga. I'm always sad to hear there's no complete Anime adaptation because I love to watch something I enjoy! Anyway, I really am drawn to Tohru's personality. She lives in a tent and lost her mother, wow. Seriously, that's a big loss and the positive attitude she has really inspires me. Sometimes, reading about her makes me feel that life is pretty darn good!

The part where she walks in the Sohma house and sees the zodiac and asks why wasn't the cat there, I've always felt the same. The poor cat, why isn't he there? I really love how this Manga takes such a cool mythology and turn it into a story. What brilliant idea. Of course, I'm always super happy when they use a Chinese mythology!

I think if I was Tohru when I was a kid hearing the story, I would have reacted exactly how Tohru did when she heard about the cat. "POOR CAT!" Aw, it was really cute that Tohru wanted to change her animal because she loved the cat. I really like that she sticks up for the one that's been left out. I too, always felt strongly for situations like that.

So, I know Yuki and Kyo, I totally forgot the cousin's name. Damn! SHIGURE! That's it!

I love Tohru's two friends who look really scary but are really just looking out for her. I love how protective they are! I think Tohru needs a couple of friends like that! I'm loving Hana-chan's sensations of electric waves.

It's always interesting that when a character appears really nice, like Yuki when he met Tohru, and then reveal that he really hate something. It would feel that something really big is making them feel that way, because it almost feels out of character for him to hate something this passionately.

While Tohru told the story of her mother, I can't help but relate to what she's saying about "never thought that she would die". That would truly be sad, to not expect something! I seriously love Tohru's never giving up attitude. Whenever I see this, I feel really inspired.

The two guys caugt Tohru living in a tent! Later on, a landslide happened and Tohru's greatest fear is losing her mother's picture. It's so sweet, yet sad that sometimes, a picture is all you really have left as a memory of a person.

"I didn't tell her to be careful on the road. That morning of the car accident. I studied till morning and overslept. I couldn't get up. Every morning, I would say it... Only that day." - Those words really hit home. I know exactly how it feels to be angry with yourself for not doing something you always do, and then it's too late. The guilt for something like that can be so overwhelming!

It's amazing that Tohru can put on such a happy face and hide all the pain and suffering she's feeling. I don't think I'd be able to cover it that well. It was so sweet that her story touched the guys so much that they went out and got the picture for her.

Yay, they are offering Tohru a room to stay. That's so great, now she doesn't have to be in a tent and get exposed to the bugs. I am so happy for her! I really like how they said she just needed to be herself. I think being herself will be the best thing this family can ask for!

Ohh, MYSTERY! "As long as we don't get hugged by her"! (Okay, this isn't mystery for me because I've read half of this Manga before, but if I was reading for the first time, I'd be like OMFG WHAT ABOUT THE HUGGGINGGG???)

Oh wait, the mystery was like... revealed in this chapter. Tohru accidentally hugged Kyo, who just came in, and he TURNED INTO A CAT! Oh shit LOL! That scene where Tohru is holding a kitty is SO DARN CUTE!

Looks like there's a big mystery to why there's a curse on the Sohma's.

Overall Thoughts

Firstly, beautiful artwork by Takaya Natsuki, I love the character designs she created and all the art in this Manga, especially the different expressions (like embarassment, shock, anger, happy) - they're just done so well. I also really enjoyed the little snippets of introduction that Takaya included in the Manga. This has been a joy to read, it has a little bit of mystery, it's bright and happy and has heartwarming characters. What more could I ask for?

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